Why two heads are better than one

Mike and Eric have been working together helping business professionals for over 20 years--first as leaders in one of the premiere coaching and training companies in the real estate industry and then as consultants with Motus. They've honed their skills coaching thousands of real estate professionals, and business owners from just about every industry you can imagine. They have also built their own multi-million dollar companies. When you hire Motus, you get both Mike and Eric who consult as a team, bringing two fresh perspectives with a unified philosophy to get you results. 

Motus Coaching and Consulting

Meet Mike and Eric

"The Brothers from Another Mother"

Mike and Eric bring two different perspectives, grounded in shared values and philosophy. It's a coaching dynamic that works for you, bringing synergy and 360 degree vision to your business.

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Mike Lopez

I am a Southern California native. I've been married to my best friend, Christina for 23 years and we're blessed to be parents to Rebekah and Nathan, 21 and 16 respectively. Faith, family, and friends are my priorities, reading and travel bring me joy, pizza and waffles are my guilty pleasures, while music is relatively close to oxygen for me.

After a successful career in high end retail sales, I worked for over a decade with a leader in coaching and training for the real estate industry. I began as a coach, then had the honor of leading the entire coaching department, the events team, the sales team, and eventually the entire company in the role of COO.  It was an incredible journey and it informs how I coach our clients to this day. Since then I've begun multiple successful businesses, adding to the experience I can share with our clients.

I am a systems guy and have a keen eye for improving the business systems our clients employ. The better your systems, the better your business and your life!  One of my true passions is growing leaders, and it has been a privilege to help people step into their potential as leaders for over 20 years professionally. I believe everyone has the ability to become an effective and inspired leader, and I look forward to helping all our clients continue their leadership development!

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Eric Johnson

I'm a husband to my incredible wife, Lisa, a father of four (Jake 23, Cruz 13, Grace 11 and Nora 6), and a published author.  I grew up in both California and New England so I think I have that East Coast work ethic with an easy-going Cali vibe. My faith is my foundation, and it grounds me in wisdom and discernment.  I love my family, I love freedom, sunny days, muscle cars and pretty much all dogs. Most importantly for you reading this, I love helping people grow their businesses!

Like Mike, I also worked for over a decade with a leader in coaching and training for the real estate industry.  That's where we met, and he and I worked closely all those years.  I began as a coach, then became Director of Community and also served as Director of Product Development.  It was a great time, and I learned a ton--both from my mentors in the company and from helping thousands of business professionals figure out what worked (and what didn't) for them. From there, I was blessed with successful businesses of my own, and brought all that expertise to bear for our clients.

When it comes to helping clients, I am especially passionate about helping you find creative solutions to marketing and promotion, leverage technology to increase your efficiency and effectiveness, and brainstorming entrepreneurial ideas to grow your profitability.

Get in touch, let's have a coffee together & talk about your business

Our initial consultation will be via Zoom, but bring your coffee and we'll bring ours! At least Eric will, Mike prefers Irish tea.