At Motus, we provide the coaching you need to build the business you want

For 20 years, we've been helping business owners like you realize their dreams and build fulfilling, relationships-based businesses.

Motus Coaching and Consulting

Help begins with a 90 Day Consulation

We invest 90 days to get to know you, your business, your team, and your goals. Through this deep dive, we'll share ideas and recommendations and together we'll craft a plan of action. 

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Phase 1, Discovery and Diagnosis: in this phase we'll spend 2 days onsite getting to know you, your business, your team, your challenges and goals.

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people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime

Phase 2, Decision and Direction: leveraging what was learned in phase 1, we'll make recommendations and help you craft a strategic plan for your business.

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man in gray crew neck t-shirt standing near whiteboard

Phase 3, On-going Dialogue and Development: we will provide the coaching and accountability to help you implement your plan and to make any necessary adjustments along the way.

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Can we help you in your business?

The best way to find out is to have a conversation via Zoom so we can learn more about you, your business and your goals. Based on what we learn on this initial consultation, we will prepare a custom proposal for your consideration.


Motus means Movement

Motus is a Latin word meaning movement; motion; to advance; make progress. We named our company Motus because our mission is not just to provide independent and professional insight, but also to spur you and your company to forward movement. Join us and we'll get moving towards the business of your dreams.


I feel so blessed to have known Mike and Eric for years from a previous coaching relationship.  We leaned on them back when we were a real estate team at a national franchise to help us reorganize, refocus, and start really pushing to our big goals that we were just never able to see the vision of before.

They helped us not only do that, but were also crucial in helping us see and execute on the vision of opening our own brokerage.  We have gone from 2 agents to 15 in just a few years.  We are highly successful, productive and profitable.

They have been key in helping us with lead generation, brokerage management and staff/team management.  They help us see outside the box, see through our blind spots, hold us accountable and help us in creative ways.  And personally, Mike and Eric have been pivotal in helping me build my speaking and training career while also growing in my role as broker of our company.

We are incredibly grateful for all the work Mike and Eric do with us and can't wait to see what else is ahead in our future.


Barbara Betts
Broker, Speaker, Trainer, Author


Motus Coaching has been an absolute game-changer for our small boutique brokerage. As new owners navigating the complex world of real estate, we were searching for guidance and expertise to propel our business forward. Motus Coaching stepped in with unwavering support and a wealth of knowledge that exceeded our expectations.

Mike and Eric worked closely with us to understand our unique challenges and goals. With their guidance, we were able to implement innovative programs and systems tailored to our brokerage's needs. These initiatives not only streamlined our operations but also empowered our agents to thrive in a competitive market.

What truly sets Motus Coaching apart is their dedication to our success. They didn't just offer cookie-cutter solutions; instead, they took the time to develop personalized strategies that aligned with our office culture and had our vision for growth. Their ongoing support and mentorship have been invaluable as we continue to navigate the evolving real estate landscape.

Thanks to Motus Coaching, our brokerage is not only moving forward but thriving. We've seen significant improvements in agent productivity and overall business performance. For any brokerage looking to elevate their operations and empower their team, we wholeheartedly recommend Motus Coaching. They're not just consultants; they're partners in success.

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Wendy Foil, Sarah Harnett, Hannah Shireman
Owners/Real Estate Advisors, West Village Realty

Need help? Book a call at a time to suit you